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Labiaplasty – Vaginal Rejuvenation

A procedure which involves the trimming of the labia minora. This procedure is part of what are referred to as vaginal rejuvenation procedures, or is often called designer vagina cosmetic surgery. Reasons why many women opt for labiaplasty – vaginal rejuvenation  There is no greater cause of self-consciousness for men or women than ‘abnormalities’ in the genital region. For women, one of the major problems can result from the labia minora extending, with age, beyond the line of the hair-bearing labia majora. This can result in twisting and tugging when riding a bicycle or during sexual intercourse, can result in uncomfortable itching, and in slightly more extreme cases, it can be difficult keeping the labia minora contained within the confines of underwear or swimwear. Here at Maccenta Istanbul we recognize that it can be extremely uncomfortable and embarrassing for you if you have to discuss any cosmetic surgery procedure that involves your genital region. We have considerable experience in dealing with problems of such an intimate nature and can assure you that you will be treated with the utmost respect and understanding.  What is involved in labiaplasty  The aim of this cosmetic procedure is to reduce the length of the labia minora so that these two flaps do not protrude beyond the line of the labia majora. This can occur with one or both labia, and the solution is to trim the excessive length of the labia, and then suture up the incision afterwards. An alternative to this is what is referred to as the ‘wedge’ procedure where a pie-shaped piece of the labia minora is removed to restore the natural contour. If there are extra folds of skin around the clitoral hood, these can be removed at the same time. If you have travelled from afar and have opted an all-inclusive package, you will be collected from your hotel and taken to the hospital for your procedure and, once discharged, you will be driven back to your hotel as part of our all-inclusive service.  Labiaplasty as part of a multiple vagina rejuvenation cosmetic procedure  More and more often we perform a labiaplasty as part of a multiple cosmetic procedure. This type of surgery can be performed alongside such procedures as a vaginoplasty or clitoral hood reduction, as examples. If you have any questions you would like to ask before booking your cosmetic surgery procedure with us, please get in [...]

Clitoral Hood Reduction Surgery – Clitoridotomy

This procedure removes folds of skin that surround the clitoris Reasons for considering clitoral hood reduction surgery  There are two principal reasons to consider having clitoral hood reduction surgery – body aesthetics and to increase stimulation. It is not uncommon for the folds of skin surrounding the clitoris to be larger than you would like, and this can result in a heightened sense of self consciousness. In many cases these folds of skin can be such that they are clearly visible when in a non-aroused state, and this can be embarrassing when wearing swimwear.  As the function of the clitoris is to provide stimulation during sexual intercourse; this can be severely affected if the clitoral hood covers too much of the clitoris, thus dramatically reducing the levels of stimulation and sexual satisfaction.  Here at Maccenta Istanbul we recognise that it can be extremely uncomfortable and embarrassing for you if you have to discuss any cosmetic surgery procedure that involves your genital region. We have considerable experience in dealing with problems of such an intimate nature and can assure you that you will be treated with the utmost respect and understanding.  What a clitoral hood reduction involves  A clitoral hood reduction procedure is very simple to perform and is carried out under either a general or local anaesthetic. The surgery itself involves the delicate excision of any excessive folds of skin and fat that surround the clitoris, providing greater exposure. The excision of excess folds of skin surrounding the clitoris – the clitoral hood – can make a dramatic difference in the level of sensitivity, and ultimately greatly increase the pleasure derived from sexual intercourse.  If you have travelled from afar and have opted an all-inclusive package, you will be collected from your hotel and taken to the hospital for your procedure and, once discharged, you will be driven back to your hotel as part of our all-inclusive service.  Clitoral hood reduction as part of a multiple designer vagina cosmetic procedure  More and more often we perform a clitoral hood reduction as part of a multiple vagina rejuvenation procedure. This type of surgery can be performed alongside such procedures as a labiaplasty or vaginoplasty, as examples. If you have any questions you would like to ask before booking your cosmetic surgery procedure with us, please get in contact and we will be happy to provide you with all the answers you [...]

Post-natal Aesthetic Surgery – Postpartum Surgery

The range of procedures in this category are also described as a ‘mommy makeover’, a post-pregnancy makeover, or post-pregnancy plastic surgery, and is usually a combination of post-pregnancy plastic surgery, skin treatment, and cellulite removal. These treatments and procedures are intended to help ‘fix’ those areas where exercise and dieting has not seen you regain a satisfactory body shape. Would post-natal aesthetic surgery be good for you? While giving birth to a newborn child is one of the most wondrous of experiences, the toll it can take on your body, especially if you have given birth to three or four children, can be quite dramatic. Being a mum can force you to focus your attention on your children for the first few years, to the point of virtually ignoring yourself completely. It is only when the kids are all going off to school and you finally have time to breathe for five minutes that you can suddenly realise your body just doesn’t look anything like it used to do a few years ago. The solution to the physical transformation pregnancy can induce comes in the form of post-natal aesthetic surgery, or a ‘mommy makeover’ as it is popularly known. The expression “look good, feel good” is particularly appropriate when it comes to being a mum, and it can be difficult to regain all your self-confidence when you are not entirely happy with the look of your body. It is also fair to say that when it comes to matters of a more intimate and sexual nature, it can be difficult for many women to feel as comfortable when your body looks very different to the way it did prior to starting a family. Here at Maccenta Istanbul we also have a duty if care and a certain level of responsibility towards all our patients. As a consequence, we strongly advise against having a mommy makeover or post-natal surgery of any form until you have decided you no longer wish to have children. While post-natal aesthetic surgery will not put you or any unborn child in danger, childbirth after post-natal cosmetic surgery will likely undo all the previous cosmetic improvements to your body. What is involved in a mommy makeover or post-natal aesthetic surgery? A mummy makeover combines any number of cosmetic surgery procedures that can be performed individually, and all of which involve surgical intervention. When combined, these procedures can [...]
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