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This type of surgery targets the area of the eyebrow and forehead above. The procedure will rectify the problems of drooping eyebrows and a wrinkled forehead, and is a simple and straightforward procedure.

Why have a forehead lift or an eyebrow lift?

While there are a few occasions where we are born with an abnormally low eyebrow line, or have a deeply wrinkled forehead, the need for such procedures usually comes around through the passing of time and the aging process. You don’t need to be someone who frowns a lot to develop clearly visible lines across your forehead, these can appear simply through increased suppleness in your skin as you grow older.

Where a cure for drooping eyebrows is concerned, a lift procedure will help to overcome a problem that, similar to a wrinkled forehead, is often part of the aging process and is caused by additional suppleness of the skin. Sagging of the eyebrow (ptosis) can also lead to puffiness and a fuller look above the upper eye lids.

While neither condition is unsightly, the difference in appearance after a forehead lift or eyebrow lift is quite dramatic and can certainly provide you with the appearance of being much younger.

In addition, while there is always the temptation to go for a full facelift, but here at Maccenta Istanbul we feel this isn’t always necessary, particularly when there is no great need for any lifting of the skin below the eyes.

Unlike a full facelift, the recovery time for an eyebrow lift or forehead lift cosmetic procedure is appreciably quicker, and so is well suited to those of you who may not be able to take a sufficient period of time off work to recover and for the swelling to die down.

What does an eyebrow lift or forehead lift surgery involve?

As with all cosmetic surgery procedures, you may often be concerned about post-operative scarring. While modern surgical techniques have reduced this to an absolute minimum, the greatest advantage of a forehead lift on an eyebrow lift, is that any incisions are made within the hairline, whether the eyebrow or above the forehead, ensuring that any incision scars will be invisible to the naked eye.

Incisions are made for the purpose of removing slithers of what has become excess skin, the removal of which enable the remaining skin to be tightened when the incisions are closed up.

While done under a general anaesthetic and classed as a cosmetic procedure, you would usually be expected to spend one night in hospital after your procedure.

If you have travelled from afar and have opted an all-inclusive package, you will be collected from your hotel and taken to the hospital for your procedure and, once finished, you will be driven back to your hotel as part of our all-inclusive service.

Eyebrow lifting or forehead lifting surgery as part of a multiple cosmetic procedure

More and more often we perform cosmetic lifting surgery as part of a multiple cosmetic procedure. This type of surgery can be performed alongside rhinoplasty or otoplasty, as examples.

If you have any questions you would like to ask before booking your eyebrow or forehead lifting procedure with us, please get in contact and we will be happy to provide you with all the answers you need.

Post-operative care after a forehead lift or an eyebrow lift

Your surgeon will carry out a thorough examination the day after your operation to ensure that all is well. Follow-up checks will be made prior to your departure from Istanbul, and any non-dissolving stitches will also be removed.

This is generally classed as a minor procedure, and other than allowing for the healing process to take place, there is little else you will need to do, apart from ensure the area of the wound is kept clean and dry. You should expect the majority of the healing process to have taken place within three to four weeks of the operation.

Treatment Plan

  • Stay in Turkey
    3 Days
  • Stay in Hospital
    1 Day
  • Operation Type
    General anaesthesia
  • Surgery Time
    2–4 Hours
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