Leg Lift
Weight gains and losses and increasing age causes the tissues in the inner legs to sag and loosen. The discomforts arising out of the sagging tissues become more prominent especially while walking. During leg lift operation, this sagginess and loosened tissue are removed and a more regular and tight appearance is obtained. Leg lift operation is performed under general anesthesia. The duration of the operation is about 1-2 hours. One night of stay in the hospital is enough. Operation is performed through a cut made to stay under the underwear, from inguinal region to posterior curve. The patient is able to return to normal work life after 7 days although this period depends on the performed procedure. How To Prepare Before The Surgery? General rules apply for leg aesthetics operations as well such as cutting or regulating the use of aspirin and other blood diluents at least 1 week before the surgery, not consuming vitamins (such as vitamin e), herbal products (tomato seeds, cherry stalk etc) and herbal teas, not taking any alcohol before 24-48 hours before the surgery, quitting smoking 3 weeks before the surgery and not smoking in the remission period after the surgery. How Are Pains and Scars In Leg Aesthetics Operations? Leg prosthesis could cause a certain amount of pain and discomfort. There could be a certain amount of pain in fat-shaping procedures as well. But this pain is not as strong as to limit patient’s daily activities. The scares usually take an indistinctive form in time and they are hidden scars. Still, the healing of the wound is specific to the person in question. Very rarely, some patients may experience excessive scar healing (cheloid, hypertrophic scar). How Is The Period After Leg Aesthetics Operations? Patients are usually sent to their homes the same day in leg aesthetics operations. A special support is worn after fat-shaping procedures for about 4 weeks. Again, patients have to use medium compression socks or special supports for 4 weeks after fat-shaping procedures and leg prosthesis under the knee. Edema and bruises could stay for a long period especially after fat-shaping procedure performed on the ankle below the knee. It is advised that patients don’t stay standing up as much as possible during the first weeks and hold their legs high. The movements should be limited during the first weeks after leg prosthesis procedure as well. Sports activities are allowed after [...]