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Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL)

This type of butt lift is specifically targeted at increasing the size and roundness of your buttocks. Why you might want to have a Brazilian butt lift  The rounded and fuller butt is very much an on-trend look today. The Brazilian butt lift is the ideal solution for those of you whose buttocks have lost a little of their roundness, or if you are simply unhappy with the shape and want to create a fuller and shapely appearance. A Brazilian butt lift is not the same as a traditional excision butt lift which is usually performed if you have lost weight and who now have excessively drooping skin around your buttocks.  The easiest way to look upon a Brazilian butt lift is as a subtle way to enhance the fullness and sexiness of your bottom.  What a Brazilian butt lift involves  The Brazilian butt lift is the ideal cosmetic surgery procedure to undergo if you are having liposuction on any other areas of your body. While you are having your bottom accentuated, removing excess fat from around your stomach, or those ‘love handles’ that won’t disappear after dieting can all help to accentuate your waistline. The reason why having liposuction at the same time as a Brazilian butt lift is because the butt lift uses fat taken from other areas of your body. First, fat is harvested from other areas of your body – usually where you have an excess, and then it is purified in a centrifuge, before being injected into your buttocks. Careful consideration has to be taken as to whether the procedure is feasible as four times the amount of fat is removed as is injected after the purifying process.  If you have travelled from afar and have opted an all-inclusive package, you will be collected from your hotel and taken to the hospital for your procedure and, once discharged, you will be driven back to your hotel as part of our all-inclusive service.  Brazilian butt lift as part of a multiple cosmetic procedure  More and more often at Maccenta Istanbul we perform Brazilian butt lift surgery as part of a multiple cosmetic procedure. This type of surgery can be performed alongside such procedures as breast augmentation and liposuction, as examples. If you have any questions you would like to ask before booking your cosmetic surgery procedure with us, please get in contact and we will be [...]
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