FUE Hair Transplantation for Men
What is the FUE hair transplant method? FUE stands for Follicular Unit Extraction and is a minimally invasive form of hair transplant surgery. The basic principal of FUE surgery involves the surgical extraction of individual hair follicles, or groups of up to four follicles from those areas of your head where hair grows strongly, and their transplantation into areas where the hair is thinning, or virtually absent. Why have a FUE hair transplant? There can be a number of reasons which have led you down the route of considering having a hair transplant. More often than not, hair loss or hair thinning is genetic, and while hair loss is more often associated as part of the aging process, it is not unusual for hair to start thinning while in your twenties, which can affect your self-confidence. It may also be a case where you have had to undergo an operation or have been involved in an accident, where scarring has left areas without any hair growth. The FUE method of hair transplantation is an ideal solution. The Advantages of the FUE hair transplant method Part of this procedure’s popularity comes not just from its effectiveness, but the procedure is carried out under local anaesthetic. In addition, this is classed as a permanent treatment for hair loss, so once the operation has been performed, there should be no need for any repeat procedures on the treated area. Having a hair transplant is also cost-effective in the long term. There is no need to buy expensive hair treatment products to combat hair loss once you have had your hair transplant. In addition, you don’t have to wait months for the results to appear. Within a couple of months of your hair transplant you should have a natural-looking and noticeably fuller head of hair • Between 8,000 and 15,000 hair follicles can be transplanted in one procedure • Minimally invasive procedure reduces stress, discomfort and pain • Rapid healing. Expect your scalp to return to normal within 10 days The Hair Transplant Procedure You will be collected from your hotel and taken to the Maccenta Istanbul’s hospital for your procedure and, once finished, you will be driven back to your hotel as part of our all-inclusive service. Treatment Plan Minimum stay in Turkey 2 Days Hospitalisation required No – this is an outpatient procedure Operation Type Local anaesthetic Treatment Time 6-10 Hours depending [...]