Liposuction is one of the best known cosmetic surgery procedures and is one which involves the removal of excess fat from specific areas of the body, including the thighs, hips, buttocks, stomach and arms.
Is liposuction the right plastic surgery procedure for you?
Bodies come in all shapes and sizes, and in certain circumstances, no matter how hard we try, we just can’t end up with a body shape we are happy with. While males also undergo liposuction cosmetic procedures, the great majority who take advantage of this cosmetic surgery technique are women.
Liposuction involves the breaking down of subcutaneous fat that is located immediately below the skin, followed by its removal, by suction. It should never be seen as an alternative solution to dieting as a means to losing weight but instead, liposuction provides a means to remove stubborn areas of fat that refuse to disappear, even with dieting.
One of the biggest advantages of liposuction is that the results are long-lasting and, if you maintain a healthy calorie-controlled diet that maintains your weight, the results of liposuction will be permanent.
Liposuction also has the advantage of being a cosmetic surgery procedure that can be used on small, local areas, such as the chin or under the arms, or for larger areas such as the abdomen, hips or thighs.
What does liposuction involve?
Liposuction is a nominally invasive surgical procedure, which goes a long way to explain its popularity, along with the successful results it can achieve. The procedure is performed under a general anaesthetic. Initially, the area where fat is to be removed from is injected with anaesthetic and antibiotics to reduce the risk of infection. After this, the fat is loosened, usually through high-frequency vibration, a weak laser pulse, or a high-pressure jet of water. Once that process has been completed, a small incision is made, and the loose fat is then removed by suction, after which the incision is sutured shut. Depending on the size of the area to be treated, more than one incision may be made to remove the excess fat.
If you have travelled from afar and have opted an all-inclusive package, you will be collected from your hotel and taken to the hospital for your procedure and, once discharged, you will be driven back to your hotel as part of our all-inclusive service.
Liposuction as part of a multiple cosmetic procedure
More and more often we perform liposuction as part of a multiple cosmetic procedure. This type of surgery can be performed alongside an abdominoplasty which would remove any excessive skin which remained after a liposuction procedure.
If you have any questions you would like to ask before booking your cosmetic ear surgery procedure with us, please get in contact and we will be happy to provide you with all the answers you need.
Post-operative care after liposuction
You will have a consultation with the doctor the day after the procedure to check that all has gone well with the procedure, followed by further checkups prior to leaving Istanbul. The treated area should be fitted with an elasticated support or compression bandage to help reduce swelling and these should be worn for three to four weeks after the operation.
You will be prescribed antibiotics and painkillers to alleviate any post-operative discomfort.
You should be able to return to work within four or five days for a minor liposuction operation, but allow up to ten days if you undergo a major procedure. Strenuous activity should be avoided for at least a month, though gentle walking is recommended. You won’t notice the true results of liposuction immediately owing to the swelling which results from the procedure. However, over the following months as your body fully recovers, the difference will become very apparent. After 6 months your body should be fully healed and the final results of your liposuction procedure visible.